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Τῇ Τετάρτῃ Γʹ Ἑβδομάδος εἰς τὸν Ἑσπερινόν.

On Wednesday of the Third Week at Vespers

Μηναῖον - Τῌ Δʹ ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ

Menaion - April 4

Μνήμη τοῦ Ὁσίου Γεωργίου τοῦ ἐν τῷ Μαλαιῷ

Memory of St. George in Maleo







Τῇ Τετάρτῃ Ἑσπέρας Γʹ Ἑβδομάδος 2024

On Wednesday Evening of the Third Week 2024

Τοῦ Τριωδίου.

From the Triodion.

Στιχηρὸν Ἰδιόμελον. Ἦχος δʹ.

Sticheron Idiomelon. Mode 4.

Ἐξάγαγε ἐκ φυλακῆς τὴν ψυχήν μου, τοῦ ἐξομολογήσασθαι τῷ ὀνόματί σου.

Bring my soul out of prison to give thanks to Your name, O Lord. [SAAS]

Ἀσώτως διασπείρας, τὸν πατρικόν μου πλοῦτον, ἔρημος γέγονα, ἐν τῇ χώρᾳ οἰκήσας, τῶν πονηρῶν πολιτῶν, καὶ τῇ ἀλογίᾳ ὡμοιώθην ἀνοήτοις κτήνεσι καὶ πάσης γεγύμνωμαι θείας χάριτος· διὸ ἐπιστρέψας βοῶ σοι· τῷ εὐσπλάγχνῳ καὶ οἰκτίρμονι Πατρί· Ἥμαρτον, δέξαι με μετανοοῦντα ὁ Θεός, καὶ ἐλέησόν με.

Living as a prodigal, I have dispersed my patrimony; I am now destitute, dwelling in that country of the wicked citizens. I resemble the mindless beasts in my lack of reason; and I have been stripped of any divine grace. But now I am returning, and I cry to You, the compassionate and tender-loving Father: I have sinned; receive me in repentance, O God, and have mercy on me. [SD]

Στιχηρὸν Ἰδιόμελον. Ἦχος δʹ.

Sticheron Idiomelon. Mode 4.

Ἐμὲ ὑπομενοῦσι δίκαιοι, ἕως οὗ ἀνταποδῷς μοι.

The righteous shall wait for me, until You reward me. [SAAS]

Ἀσώτως διασπείρας, τὸν πατρικόν μου πλοῦτον, ἔρημος γέγονα, ἐν τῇ χώρᾳ οἰκήσας, τῶν πονηρῶν πολιτῶν, καὶ τῇ ἀλογίᾳ ὡμοιώθην ἀνοήτοις κτήνεσι καὶ πάσης γεγύμνωμαι θείας χάριτος· διὸ ἐπιστρέψας βοῶ σοι· τῷ εὐσπλάγχνῳ καὶ οἰκτίρμονι Πατρί· Ἥμαρτον, δέξαι με μετανοοῦντα ὁ Θεός, καὶ ἐλέησόν με.

Living as a prodigal, I have dispersed my patrimony; I am now destitute, dwelling in that country of the wicked citizens. I resemble the mindless beasts in my lack of reason; and I have been stripped of any divine grace. But now I am returning, and I cry to You, the compassionate and tender-loving Father: I have sinned; receive me in repentance, O God, and have mercy on me. [SD]


For the Martyrs.

Ἦχος δʹ.

Mode 4.

Ἐκ βαθέων ἐκέκραξά σοι, Κύριε· Κύριε, εἰσάκουσον τῆς φωνῆς μου.

Out of the depths I have cried to You, O Lord; O Lord, hear my voice. [SAAS]

Ἱερεῖα ἔμψυχα, ὁλοκαυτώματα λογικά, Μάρτυρες Κυρίου, θύματα τέλεια Θεοῦ, Θεὸν γινώσκοντα, καὶ Θεῷ γινωσκόμενα, πρόβατα, ὧν ἡ μάνδρα, λύκοις ἀνεπίβατος, πρεσβεύσατε καὶ ἡμᾶς, συμποιμανθῆναι ὑμῖν, ἐπὶ ὕδατος ἀναπαύσεως.

O living sacrifices, rational whole-burnt offerings, O Martyrs of the Lord, and perfect sacrificial victims of God, who know God and are known by God, O lambs whose fold is inaccessible to wolves: intercede that together with you we also may be shepherded beside the still water of rest. [SD]

Στιχηρὰ Προσόμοια. Ποίημα Ἰωσήφ.

Stichera Prosomia. By Joseph.

Ἦχος πλ. βʹ. Ὅλην ἀποθέμενοι.

Mode pl. 2. When the saints deposited.

Γενηθήτω τὰ ὦτά σου προσέχοντα εἰς τὴν φωνὴν τῆς δεήσεώς μου.

Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication. [SAAS]

Ἠλίου αὐγάσματα, τοῦ νοητοῦ δεδειγμένοι, θεόπται Ἀπόστολοι, φωτισμὸν αἰτήσατε, ταῖς ψυχαῖς ἡμῶν, καὶ παθῶν ῥύσατε, ἀχλυώδους σκότους, καὶ ἡμέραν τὴν σωτήριον, ἰδεῖν πρεσβεύσατε, διὰ πρεσβειῶν καὶ δεήσεων, καρδίας ἐκκαθάραντες, ἃς ὁ πονηρὸς ἐτραυμάτισεν, ὅπως ἡμᾶς πίστει, σῳζόμενοι γεραίρωμεν ἀεί, τοὺς τῷ πανσόφῳ κηρύγματι, Κόσμον διασώσαντας.

You, as God’s eye-witnesses, who were sent out like resplendent * rays of the noetic Sun, * pray for the enlightenment * of our hearts and souls. * From the dark haziness * of the passions free us. * O Apostles, intercede for us, * that we may see the day * of salvation. And purify our hearts, by your entreaties and your prayers, * for the wicked devil has wounded them; * so that being rescued * by you, we may in faith ever extol * you, whose most wise proclamation of the Gospel has rescued the world. [SD]

Ἦχος πλ. βʹ. Ὅλην ἀποθέμενοι.

Mode pl. 2. When the saints deposited.

Ἐὰν ἀνομίας παρατηρήσῃς, Κύριε Κύριε, τίς ὑποστήσεται; ὅτι παρὰ σοὶ ὁ ἱλασμός ἐστιν.

If You, O Lord, should mark transgression, O Lord, who would stand? For there is forgiveness with You. [SAAS]

Εἰς χώραν ὁ Ἄσωτος, ἀποδημήσας κακίας, κακῶς ἐδαπάνησα, ὅν περ Πάτερ εὔσπλαγχνε, πλοῦτον δέδωκας, καὶ λιμῷ τήκομαι, ἀγαθῶν πράξεων, καὶ αἰσχύνην παραβάσεως, ἰδοὺ ἐνδέδυμαι, χάριτος ἐνθέου γυμνούμενος, καὶ κράζω σοι τὸ Ἥμαρτον· οἶδα γὰρ τὴν σὴν ἀγαθότητα, δέξαι με ὡς ἕνα, οἰκτίρμον τῶν μισθίων σου Χριστέ, τῶν Ἀποστόλων δεήσεσι, τῶν ἠγαπηκότων σε.

A prodigal son am I; I left into a far country * of evil and wrongly spent * the wealth You, O merciful * Father, gave to me. * Hungry, I waste away * from a dearth of virtue; * You can see that I am clothed in shame * of all my trespasses, * naked as I am of Your grace divine. * I cry to You that I have sinned; * yet I know Your love and benevolence. * Christ, at the entreaties * of Your Apostles by whom You were loved, * accept me back in repentance now * as one of Your hired hands. [SD]

Ἕτερον. Ποίημα Θεοδώρου.

Another. By Theodore.

Ἦχος πλ. βʹ. Ἐκ δεξιῶν τοῦ Σωτῆρος.

Mode pl. 2. (not metered)

Ἕνεκεν τοῦ ὀνόματός σου ὑπέμεινά σε, Κύριε, ὑπέμεινεν ἡ ψυχή μου εἰς τὸν λόγον σου. Ἤλπισεν ἡ ψυχή μου ἐπὶ τὸν Κύριον.

Because of Your law, O Lord, I waited for You; my soul waited for Your word. My soul hopes in the Lord. [SAAS]

Ἀπόστολοι τοῦ Σωτῆρος, φωστῆρες Οἰκουμένης, καὶ εὐεργέται καὶ σῶσται, οἱ Θεοῦ τῆς δόξης, ὡς οὐρανοὶ διηγήτορες, καὶ πεποικιλμένοι τοῖς ἄστροις τῶν θαυμάτων, καὶ τοῖς τέρασι τῶν ἰάσεων, ἐκτενῶς ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν, τὰς ἱκετηρίας Κυρίῳ προσάγετε, εἰς ὀσμὴν ἄχραντον, τὰς εὐχὰς δεχθῆναι ἡμῶν, καὶ ἀξιωθῆναι τὸν ζωηφόρον Σταυρόν καὶ προσπτύξασθαι, καὶ βλέψαι φόβῳ ἅπαντας, αὐτοῦ τῇ προσκυνήσει. Κατάπεμψον ἡμῖν τὰ ἐλέη σου, Σωτὴρ ὡς φιλάνθρωπος.

Apostles of the Savior, luminaries of the world, and its benefactors, and saviors: like the heavens, you declare the glory of God, and you are adorned with the various stars of your miracles and wonders of healing. Earnestly present your entreaties on our behalf to the Lord, that our own prayers be accepted as undefiled fragrance, and that we all be counted worthy to venerate the life-giving Cross, and with fear to kiss it and gaze at it. And You, O Savior, send Your mercies down to us, as the One who is benevolent. [SD]

Στιχηρά. Τοῦ Ὁσίου.

Stichera. For the Devout Man.

Τοῦ Μηναίου - - -

From Menaion - - -

Ἦχος βʹ. Ὅτε ἐκ τοῦ ξύλου.

Mode 2. Joseph took You down.

Ὅτε ἐκ τοῦ ξύλου.

Ἀπὸ φυλακῆς πρωΐας μέχρι νυκτός· ἀπὸ φυλακῆς πρωΐας ἐλπισάτω Ἰσραὴλ ἐπὶ τὸν Κύριον.

From the morning watch until night; from the morning watch until night, let Israel hope in the Lord. [SAAS]

Ὅλος, ἀνακείμενος θερμῶς, ὅλῃ τῇ ψυχῇ συνημμένος, τῷ παντεπόπτῃ Θεῷ, θείους ἐγεώργησας καρποὺς τοῦ Πνεύματος, ἡσυχίαν ἐγκράτειαν, ἀγάπην ἐλπίδα, τὴν μακροθυμίαν τε, καὶ τὴν πραότητα, δρόμον, πρὸς τὴν ἄνω πορείαν, πίστιν καὶ χρηστότητα Πάτερ, μεγαλοπρεπῶς ἐπιδεικνύμενος.

Wholly to our God who sees all things * earnestly were you dedicated, wholly united in soul. * Thus you cultivated and brought forth divine good fruits * of the Spirit, like self-control * and stillness and meekness, * patience and long-suffering, and most of all hope and love, * grandly demonstrating, O Father, * that along with these faith and kindness * are the means of progress on the higher path. [SD]

Ὅτι παρὰ τῷ Κυρίῳ τὸ ἔλεος καὶ πολλὴ παρʼ αὐτῷ λύτρωσις, καὶ αὐτὸς λυτρώσεται τὸν Ἰσραὴλ ἐκ πασῶν τῶν ἀνομιῶν αὐτοῦ.

For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is abundant redemption; and He shall redeem Israel from all his transgressions. [SAAS]

Ὅλος, ἀνακείμενος θερμῶς, ὅλῃ τῇ ψυχῇ συνημμένος, τῷ παντεπόπτῃ Θεῷ, θείους ἐγεώργησας καρποὺς τοῦ Πνεύματος, ἡσυχίαν ἐγκράτειαν, ἀγάπην ἐλπίδα, τὴν μακροθυμίαν τε, καὶ τὴν πραότητα, δρόμον, πρὸς τὴν ἄνω πορείαν, πίστιν καὶ χρηστότητα Πάτερ, μεγαλοπρεπῶς ἐπιδεικνύμενος.

Wholly to our God who sees all things * earnestly were you dedicated, wholly united in soul. * Thus you cultivated and brought forth divine good fruits * of the Spirit, like self-control * and stillness and meekness, * patience and long-suffering, and most of all hope and love, * grandly demonstrating, O Father, * that along with these faith and kindness * are the means of progress on the higher path. [SD]

Αἰνεῖτε τὸν Κύριον, πάντα τὰ ἔθνη, ἐπαινέσατε αὐτόν, πάντες οἱ λαοί.

Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles; praise Him, all you peoples. [SAAS]

Χάρις ἡ τοῦ Πνεύματος ἐν σοί, ὡς καθαρωτάτῳ καὶ πράῳ κατασκηνώσασα, πᾶσι κατεκόσμησεν ἀρετῆς εἴδεσι, καὶ ποικίλοις χαρίσμασιν, ἐλάμπρυνε Πάτερ· ὅθεν καὶ γεώργιον, Χριστοῦ φερώνυμον, ὤφθης γεωργήσας ἐμφρόνως, αὔλακας τῆς σῆς διανοίας, ἀξιομακάριστε Γεώργιε.

When the Holy Spirit’s grace abode * in you, who were most pure and gentle, it made you beautiful * with all kinds of virtues; and with many spiritual gifts, * holy Father, it made you shine. * And you, like your name means, * showed yourself to be a farmer of the Savior Christ, * for you prudently cultivated * your mind, which did prove to be good earth, * O St. George. And we now rightly call you blest. [SD]

Ὅτι ἐκραταιώθη τὸ ἔλεος αὐτοῦ ἐφʼ ἡμᾶς, καὶ ἡ ἀλήθεια τοῦ Κυρίου μένει εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα.

For His mercy rules over us; and the truth of the Lord endures forever. [SAAS]

Χαίρων, τῶν μελλόντων ἀγαθῶν, Πάτερ τῇ ἐλπίδι τοὺς πόνους, ῥᾷον ὑπήνεγκας, πρόθυμος τοῖς ἔμπροσθεν ἐπεκτεινόμενος, τῶν ὀπίσω δὲ πάνσοφε, ποιούμενος λήθην, ἕως τὸ μακάριον, τέλος κατέλαβες, πλήρης ἀρετῶν ἐργασίαις, καὶ μακαριότητος θείας, Ὅσιε Γεώργιε τετύχηκας.

Father, you were joyful in the hope * of the future blessings, and therefore you easily endured * labors, and you eagerly pressed forward, striving the more, * while forgetting what came before, * until you securely * had obtained the blessed end, for which you longed day and night, * full of works of virtue, all-wise one, * O devout St. George, and attained to * everlasting blessedness with God on high. [SD]

Δόξα· καὶ νῦν. Θεοτοκίον.

Glory. Both now. Theotokion.

Ἦχος βʹ. Ὅτε ἐκ τοῦ ξύλου.

Mode 2. Joseph took You down.

Χαίροις ὄντως θρόνε τοῦ Θεοῦ, καὶ τοῦ Βασιλέως καθέδρα, χαῖρε ζωῆς κιβωτέ, χαῖρε ἁγιάσματος, πηγὴ ἀκένωτε, μυροθήκη τοῦ Πνεύματος, τρυφὴ Παραδείσου, χαῖρε ἡ ἀπόλαυσις, ἡ μυστικὴ τῶν ψυχῶν, χαῖρε, ἡ χαρὰ τῶν Ὁσίων, χαῖρε ἀγαλλίαμα πάντων, τῶν σοὶ προστρεχόντων Θεονύμφευτε.

Lady, as the very throne of God * and the royal seat of the great King, rejoice! O ark of life, * never-failing fountain of sanctification, rejoice! * Sacred vial of the Spirit’s myrrh, * delight of the Garden, * mystical enjoyment of our souls are you: O rejoice! * Joy of all devout and monastics, * and the exultation of all those * who in you find comfort, Bride of God, rejoice! [SD]



Σοφία. Ὀρθοί.

Wisdom. Arise.



Φῶς ἱλαρὸν ἁγίας δόξης ἀθανάτου Πατρός, οὐρανίου, ἁγίου, μάκαρος, Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, ἐλθόντες ἐπὶ τὴν ἡλίου δύσιν, ἰδόντες φῶς ἑσπερινόν, ὑμνοῦμεν Πατέρα, Υἱόν καὶ ἅγιον Πνεῦμα, Θεόν. Ἄξιόν σε ἐν πᾶσι καιροῖς ὑμνεῖσθαι φωναῖς αἰσίαις, Υἱὲ Θεοῦ, ζωὴν ὁ διδούς· * διὸ ὁ κόσμος σὲ δοξάζει.

Gladsome light of holy glory of the holy, blessed, heavenly, immortal Father, O Jesus Christ: arriving at the hour of sunset and having seen the evening light, we praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God. It is worthy for You to be praised at all times with happy voices, O Son of God and Giver of life; * and therefore the world glorifies You.

Τὰ Ἀναγνώσματα

The Readings




The evening…

Τοῦ Τριωδίου - - -

From Triodion - - -



Προκείμενον. Ἦχος δʹ.

Prokeimenon. Mode 4.

Ψαλμὸς ΝΑʹ (51).

Psalm 51 (52).

Ἤλπισα ἐπὶ τὸ ἔλεος τοῦ Θεοῦ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα.

I hope in God’s mercy forever and unto ages of ages.

Τί ἐγκαυχᾷ ἐν κακίᾳ ὁ δυνατός;

Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man. [SAAS]

Γενέσεως τὸ ἀνάγνωσμα.

The reading is from the book of Genesis.



Σοφία. Πρόσχωμεν.

Wisdom. Let us be attentive.



Γεν Ζʹ, 6-9

Gn 7:6-9

Νῶε ἦν ἐτῶν ἑξακοσίων, καὶ ὁ κατακλυσμὸς τοῦ ὕδατος ἐγένετο ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς. Εἰσῆλθε δὲ Νῶε, καὶ οἱ υἱοὶ αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἡ γυνὴ αὐτοῦ, καὶ αἱ γυναῖκες τῶν υἱῶν αὐτοῦ μετʹ αὐτοῦ εἰς τὴν κιβωτόν, διὰ τὸ ὕδωρ τοῦ κατακλυσμοῦ. Καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν πετεινῶν τῶν καθαρῶν, καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν πετεινῶν τῶν μὴ καθαρῶν, καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν κτηνῶν τῶν καθαρῶν, καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν κτηνῶν τῶν μὴ καθαρῶν, καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν θηρίων, καὶ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν ἑρπόντων ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς, δύο δύο εἰσῆλθον πρὸς Νῶε εἰς τὴν κιβωτόν, ἄρσεν καὶ θῆλυ, καθὰ ἐνετείλατο ὁ Θεὸς τῷ Νῶε.

Now Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters came on the earth. Then Noah, with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives, entered the ark because of the flood waters. Also the clean and unclean birds, the clean and unclean cattle, and everything that creeps on the earth, entered with Noah into the ark, two by two, male and female, as God commanded him. [SAAS]

Προκείμενον. Ἦχος δʹ.

Prokeimenon. Mode 4.

Ψαλμὸς ΝΒʹ (52).

Psalm 52 (53).

Ἐν τῷ ἐπιστρέψαι Κύριον τὴν αἰχμαλωσίαν τοῦ λαοῦ αὐτοῦ.

When the Lord brings back the captivity of His people.

Εἶπεν ἄφρων ἐν καρδίᾳ αὐτοῦ· Οὐκ ἔστι Θεός.

The fool said in his heart, “There is no God.” [SAAS]

ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΗΣ (ἐμμελῶς)

READER (sung)



Ὁ Ἱερεύς, κρατῶν ἐν τῇ δεξιᾷ αὐτοῦ λαμπάδα ἀνημμένην καὶ θυμιατήριον ἐξηρτημένον, ἵσταται ἐνώπιον τῆς ἁγίας Τραπέζης καὶ ποιεῖ σχῆμα σταυροῦ λέγων·

The Priest holds a lit candle in his right hand with the censer hanging below it, stands before the holy Table, gestures crosswise and says:



Σοφία. Ὀρθοί.

Wisdom. Arise.

Καὶ στραφεὶς πρὸς τὸν λαὸν καὶ εὐλογῶν αὐτὸν σταυροειδῶς διὰ τῆς λαμπάδος λέγει·

Then he turns to face the people, blesses them crosswise with the candle, and says:

Φῶς Χριστοῦ φαίνει πᾶσι.

The light of Christ shines on all.

Εἶτα δὲ παραδίδωσι τήν τε λαμπάδα καὶ τὸ θυμιατήριον τῷ ὑπηρετοῦντι.

Then he hands the candle and the censer to the acolyte.



Παροιμιῶν τὸ ἀνάγνωσμα.

The reading is from the Proverbs of Solomon.



Σοφία. Πρόσχωμεν.

Wisdom. Let us be attentive.



Πρμ Θʹ, 12-18

Pr 9:12-25

Υἱέ, ἐὰν σοφὸς γένῃ σεαυτῷ, σοφὸς ἔσῃ καὶ τοῖς πλησίον σου, ἐὰν δὲ κακὸς ἀποβῇς, μόνος ἂν ἀντλήσεις τὰ κακά. Υἱὸς πεπαιδευμένος σοφὸς ἔσται, τῷ δὲ ἄφρονι διακόνῳ χρήσεται, ὃς ἐρείδεται ἐπὶ ψεύδεσιν, οὗτος ποιμανεῖ ἀνέμους, ὁ δʼ αὐτὸς διώξεται ὄρνεα πετώμενα· ἀπέλιπε γὰρ ὁδοὺς τοῦ ἑαυτοῦ ἀμπελῶνος, τοὺς δὲ ἄξονας τοῦ ἰδίου γεωργίου πεπλάνηται. Διαπορεύεται δὲ διʹ ἀνύδρου ἐρήμου, καὶ γῆν διατεταγμένην ἐν διψώδεσι, συνάγει δὲ χερσὶν ἀκαρπίαν. Γυνὴ ἄφρων καὶ θρασεῖα ἐνδεὴς ψωμοῦ γίνεται, ἣ οὐκ ἐπίσταται αἰσχύνην, ἐκάθισεν ἐπὶ θύραις τοῦ ἑαυτῆς οἴκου, ἐπὶ δίφρου ἐμφανῶς ἐν πλατείαις, προσκαλουμένη τοὺς παριόντας καὶ κατευθύνοντας ἐν ταῖς ὁδοῖς αὐτῶν. Ὃς ἐστιν ὑμῶν ἀφρονέστατος, ἐκκλινάτω πρός με, καὶ τοῖς ἐνδεέσι φρονήσεως παρακελεύομαι λέγουσα· Ἄρτον κρυφίων ἡδέως ἄψασθε, καὶ ὕδατος κλοπῆς γλυκεροῦ πίετε. Ὁ δὲ οὐκ οἶδεν, ὅτι γηγενεῖς παρʼ αὐτῇ ὄλλυνται, καὶ ἐπὶ πέταυρον ᾍδου συναντᾷ. Ἀλλὰ ἀποπήδησον, μὴ χρονίσῃς ἐν τῷ τόπῳ αὐτῆς, μηδὲ ἐπιστήσῃς τὸ σὸν ὄμμα πρὸς αὐτήν· οὕτω γὰρ διαβήσῃ ὕδωρ ἀλλότριον, ἀπὸ δὲ ὕδατος ἀλλοτρίου ἀπόσχου, καὶ ἀπὸ πηγῆς ἀλλοτρίας μὴ πίῃς, ἵνα πολὺν ζήσῃς χρόνον, προστεθήσεται δέ σοι ἔτη ζωῆς.

My son, if you become wise in yourself, you shall also be wise toward your neighbor; but if you prove to be evil, you alone will go through troubles. He who supports himself with lies will shepherd winds and chase flying birds; for he abandoned the ways of his own vineyard and strayed from paths of his own farming; and he will pass through a waterless desert, a land assigned to drought, and he gathers barrenness with his hands. A woman in need of a morsel is without discernment and overbold; she has no sense of shame. She sits upon the doors of her own house, upon a seat openly in the streets, calling to those who pass by and who go straight along their paths, “He who is very lacking in discernment, let him turn aside to me; and he who is in need of discernment, I exhort, saying, ‘Grasp with pleasure the secret bread and the sweet water of theft.’” But he does not know that the inhabitants of the earth perish beside her, and he happens upon a snare of Hades. But hurry off, do not continue in that place, neither set your eye toward her; for so you shall pass through strange water and cross beyond a strange river; and keep away from strange water, and do not drink from a strange fountain; that you may live a long time and add years of life to yourself. [SAAS]



Εἰρήνη σοι.

Peace be with you.



(Go back to the Presanctified Liturgy booklet.)

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